Thursday, 27 August 2009

Summer Winter (IMP 48, July 2009)

July’s IMP mix concludes my Summer Trilogy on the bleakest of notes. Somewhat predictably of me I realise, but it’s a kind of predictable I can live with especially given the premise of the series – the soundtrack to my summer split into 3. The final part is 70 minutes of black metal, ranging from the claustrophobic through the ambient to feral punk, doom, back-yard and downright (read subterranean) dirty. All that and more. 12 individual caustic/beautiful entities to climax this triptych.

Sounds just right for long summer days lazing around the beach right? Yep.

Fuck off.

Summer Winter (IMP 48, July 2009)


01. De Silence Et d'Ombre - From The Dark Unknown Space
02. Carrion Wraith - Vers Une Nouvelle Ère
03. 1349 - Maggot Fetus... Teeth Like Thorns
04. Woe - Alone With Our Failures
05. Weapon - Cacophony! Black Sun Dragon's Tongue!
06. Bone Awl - Make For Yourself A Last Vision
07. Al Namrood - Atba'a Alnamrood
08. Bone Ritual - Attend To The Signs
09. Darkcell - II
10. Urfaust - Unter Töchtern Der Wüste
11. Teitenblood - Infernal Dance Of The Wicked
12. Cobalt – Two Thumbed Fist


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